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REVIEW - The Staking Machine. Plan For Betting Stakes

Product Title: The Staking Machine Website:
Product Type: Software Delivery Time: Immediate Download
Reviewed By: Martin Bailey Guarantee?: N/A
Reviewers Rating: Rating 5 Star Image Very highly recommended tool. A must have for the serious bettor.
Product Category: Professional Staking Plan Calculator Software and Bet Recorder.


A key attribute of a successful bettor is their ability to record details of all their betting activity and place the correct stakes on their bets so as to ensure long term profits.

The majority of amateur and novice punters have no discipline in this field and do not record their betting activity fully or at all which will almost always lead to them failing to profit. Also, they will often chase loses or randomly adjust stakes up and down depending on their mood or how things have gone on previous bets. These type of people will vividly remember the 10/1 shot they won a few hundred quid on last week but forget the £500 of losing bets during the same period.

"Recording bets and using a profitable staking plan is critical to long term betting profits."

Read the above statement then read it again!

What Is The Staking Machine?

The Staking Machine is a low cost betting software tool which helps you to perform these 2 vital steps of recording your betting activity and ensuring you are using a staking plan to maximise the returns on your selections. (Important Note: this is not a selection tool. It will not tell you which horses or teams etc to bet on. You first need to have access to a betting system or tipster service. Then you can use the Staking Machine to analyse the profitability of the system or tipster when using the various staking plans it covers).

With the staking machine you can easily load in previous betting data and let the software show you how the results would look if you had used the many different staking plans it has in-built. You can enter these manually or import them from appropriate sources including some proofing sites like should you wish to see how a particular tipsters results would fair.

Once you have the appropriate system or tipster to make selections, going forward you simply enter your bets into the staking machine tool and it will tell you what stakes to place based upon your chosen staking plan. It records and saves all this data for you and I'm certain it will become one of the most critical software tools on your PC that you will not be able to do without.

The staking machine covers a massive number of staking plans (currently 35) including "level, 1326, D'alembert, Fibonacci Percentage, Parlay Pro, Secure ,Fixed, Kelly, Square Root, Laboucher and also LAY Betting staking plans including Lay Level, Fixed Liability, Lay Mixed, Percentage Liability, Lay Percentage, Maria, Lay Ladder, Lay Kelly". It also has 2 plans for those who like to bet Each Way.

I will not go into how each of these staking plans differ as they are all covered on the site / software and you will soon understand how each one works and which one(s) are most profitable for your selections.

The software has many more features to offer including a tie in with a well known automated betting software tool which can make the placing of your back or lay bets automatic.

What Resources Do You Need?

In order to use the Staking machine you need a Windows Based PC. Download and installation instructions are clearly shown on the Staking Machine website.

Negatives / Bad Points

Its really hard to find fault in this product as its a betting tool that I believe every bettor will benefit from and its very low cost when considering what you get and the benefits it provides. For some of my existing and past horse racing betting systems, it has shown that a 2 - 4 % increase on my profits could have been achieved by simply using a different staking plan to the level stakes I had used. For me this software had paid for itself in a matter of hours...

Although I've not experienced any myself, I have been made aware that some people have noticed the odd minor 'quirk' in the software, but all these comments have been followed by "but its still a great piece of software that I wouldn't be without".

Additionally, the support provided by The Staking Machine team is very good and they are constantly enhancing the software to ensure it is leading edge and reliable.

Summary / Recommendation

The Staking Machine is a MUST HAVE betting tool and will benefit you right now if you are serious about making money from betting.

Currently 2 versions are available, the Advanced at £39.99 and the Pro at £69.99. You can also download a FREE trial of the software so that you can check it out before upgrading to the appropriate full version. At the current prices this is an absolute bargain. I've seen plenty of similar financial betting products selling for over £200 and some even up in the Thousands. Probably best that you purchase it sooner rather than later in case the TSM team decide to put the price up!

My Recommendation:

  1. Go and Download the Staking Machine today. Its Free to download and trial in limited mode
  2. Load in any previous data you have from systems or tipsters. (limited number of entries are allowed in free trial mode)
  3. Let the Staking Machine go to work and show you how the profits would vary with each staking plan based on this limited data allowance. (Even in limited mode you will be able to see how the numerous staking plans will vary the resulting profits)
  4. When you decide its a super tool as I'm sure you will, Purchase it to gain full access and utilise the many great features. This will allow you to do a full analysis of your betting data and determine the correct staking plan(s) to utilise going forward.
  5. Ensure you continue to record all your new betting activities and make regular use of the analysis tools to ensure you are using the optimum staking plan.
  6. Congratulations, you will now have joined those of us who are serious and professional about their betting activities.

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Review By: Martin Bailey


Professional Staking Plan Software. Calculating Betting Stakes

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