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Betting Odds Converter - Fraction to Decimal


Convert those Betting odds from Fractions to Decimals or Decimal to Fraction using the chart below.

TIP: Did you know that most online bookmakers allow you to select either the traditional Fractional odds or the Decimal equivalent when viewing their available books.


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Fraction Decimal   Fraction Decimal   Fraction Decimal
1/5 1.20   5/4 2.25   5/1 6.00
2/9 1.22   11/8 2.38   11/2 6.50
1/4 1.25   7/5 2.40   6/1 7.00
2/7 1.29   6/4 2.50   13/2 7.50
3/10 1.30   8/5 2.60   7/1 8.00
1/3 1.33   13/8 2.63   15/2 8.50
4/11 1.36   7/4 2.75   8/1 9.00
2/5 1.40   9/5 2.80   17/2 9.50
4/9 1.45   15/8 2.86   9/1 10.00
1/2 1.50   2/1 3.00   10/1 11.00
8/15 1.53   11/5 3.20   11/1 12.00
4/7 1.57   9/4 3.25   12/1 13.00
8/13 1.62   12/5 3.40   13/1 14.00
4/6 1.66   5/2 3.50   14/1 15.00
8/11 1.72   13/5 3.60   15/1 16.00
4/5 1.80   11/4 3.75   16/1 17.00
5/6 1.83   3/1 4.00   18/1 19.00
10/11 1.91   10/3 4.33   20/1 21.00
Evens 2.00   7/2 4.50   25/1 26.00
11/10 2.10   4/1 5.00   33/1 34.00
6/5 2.20   9/2 5.50   100/1 101.00




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